LEXmaster This tool is designed to help you find answers to various legal questions in a very simple and intuitive way. From whether you need to open the door to police officers, e.g. during a party, to work-related aspects such as employee and employer obligations or social security contributions. Our goal is to increase awareness, especially of young people, of their rights and obligations, but also to make them aware of what organizations and institutions can help them in difficult, unusual cases. That they enter this adult life consciously. We want to present all these complex legal procedures and deadlines so that they are clear and understandable. Unfortunately, legal education in Poland is quite low, and we believe that it is important for young people to be aware of the rights they are entitled to, but also the prohibitions that they should obey.In substantive matters, we cooperate with judges from Iustitia. The honorary patronage of our action was taken by: the Ombudsman, Adam Bodnar, the Mayor of Gdynia and the Mayor of Reda. We also have the patronage of the Polish Mediation Center, Tri-City branch, the GdaĆsk School and Peer Mediation Center, the honorary patronage of the mayor of Gdynia, and the Polish brand MISBHV, which has so far conducted a campaign, including with KPH or #sexedpl.